Hello fellow Stand Strong warrior! You are to be commended in taking care of your foot pain.
Stand Strong® Arch Supports are "In Step With The Way You Live"!
Your Stand Strong® arches help to balance and realign not only the foot, but also the way in which your leg muscles help support and direct your foot posture and motion during walking and running. Many of our women have suffered for YEARS with foot and ankle pain, before finding the Stand Strong® arch.
First, play with the positioning of the narrow end of the support on the ball of your foot. You will likely find that some areas are quite tender, and you want the arch support to “offload” that area, that is-move your weight bearing pressure to areas that AREN’T sore. If not properly positioned, the metatarsal support (narrow end) can actually increase your pain. Generally speaking, you want the support centered behind your middle toe, in the center of your ball of foot region. Also please note: moving the support forward or back just a few millimeters can make a big difference as well.
Check out this video on proper placement:
Some feet adjust faster than others to the correction. Take your time, and wear the support for just an hour or two the first day you get them. Sometimes the heel is sore, and adjusting the positioning of the support can make a real difference right out of the box!
Oftentimes, you will feel the leg or even your knee adjust to the supports. This is generally a GOOD thing, but let your body have a break and don’t expect instant results. After years of misalignment, most women will need a few days to a few weeks to feel the full effect of the balance and support features of the Stand Strong® arch.
We are excited to hear from you, and welcome testimonials of all types. Let your voice be heard for all women, and let’s help you and others like you to Walk in Beauty!
Dr. Stand Strong
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