Hello! And welcome to the Stand Strong tribe; we so appreciate you being part of our forward thinking foot pain relief family!
Sometimes, I notice my arches not sticking as well as they once did. This could be for several reasons-so let’s get started and make sure you’ve got the adhesion you want and need for all your daily activities.
Most common reason: not proper daily washing of the arch support gel. We recommend that you wash the devices as soon as you remove them from your feet.
First, rinse the sticky sides of the arch supports with warm water. Then, apply a few drops of the Stand Clean™ wash solution -to one side and use your finger or the pink sponge to distribute on the whole surface of the first gel sticky side.
Then, put the two wet, sticky sides together and “rub a dub-dub” paying particular attention to any dirty areas, or places where sock lint, or other materials have stuck to the gel. You may need to manually pull off large pieces of lint or hair while it’s wet, but the two sticky sides work in unison to make your Stand Strong® arches glow with as new shine and stickiness. Let the cloth side dry before wearing, and you’re ready for action!
Second most common reason? Not washing the bottoms of your feet daily, or using a moisturizer on the bottom before applying the Stand Strong® arch to your foot. Some skin types have more retained oils in them, making the naturally sticky gel not adhere as well as we’d like.
The special gel we’re using for the supports is sticky because of a phenomenon called “surface energy” which means that the tackiness (stickiness) is always present, but may be covered up by dirt, or by skin surface oils or moisturizers.
Here’s a short video demonstrating the washing technique.
Thanks again, and please post your thoughts and send us videos or other testimonials. We love hearing from our Stand Strong Women!
Sincerely, Dr. Stand Strong
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